Our residential services are designed to meet the evolving needs of an individual throughout their life and quickly make any adjustments to best serve each individual. We offer in-home and community personal supports, respite services, and traditional residential living in one of our staffed community homes.
Our community Residential Habilitation program consists of 3-person Alternative Living Units and 4-person Group Homes. The focus of this program is to provide training in self-help and activities of daily living skills while fully immersed within the local community. Our program is crafted to give each resident a sense of “home”; the place we live in where we feel safe and comfortable.
HDC maintains homes in both Washington and Frederick counties that we use for Respite Services. Our Agency works closely with each individual’s family to ensure they can receive the temporary relief they need while knowing their family member is safe and happy within a safe and nourishing environment.
Personal Supports
Our Personal Supports program brings our services to your home. We will serve a person in the community at their family home, or their own apartment or house (with no more than two roommates). This service is highly individualized and flexible to meet whatever needs a person and their family may have.