Our Vision

Open to all

It is our vision that all rights and life options that are open to all US citizens, be fully available and utilized to the human beings we are privileged to serve.

  • Friendship, acceptance, compassion and love

    Our Mission

    Equality does not segregate, exclude, disconnect, discriminate, erect barriers, inhibit communication, stifle freedom, devalue, or disregard another human being. Equality values each and every human as being inheritably worthy of honor, respect, and fully deserving of friendship, acceptance, compassion, and love. Who among us has the moral authority to assign value to human life based on a person’s unique attributes?


    At HDC, equality is our mission!

    By providing an atmosphere of acceptance and the freedom to pursue personal goals, the Human Development Council Inc. offers our services as a guide to open opportunities and give the same access to a quality life for intellectually disabled individuals as is afforded to any United States citizen. Using the principles of self-determination as a guide, which includes the freedom of the individual to make choices in their  life, the authority to gain control over their life, the ability to exercise their individual rights, and the opportunity to receive  supports that allows for full participation in their community, HDC will utilize person-centered planning to ensure that each and every individual we serve receive supports that reflect personal preferences within the most integrated community setting possible.

    Our Agency is dedicated to providing the highest quality standards of living for the individuals that we serve. We define this quality of life as the guarantee of dignity and rights that are measured in the manner in which they are valued by the individual, the establishment and maintenance of positive environments in which a person lives, works and receives supports, and the freedom to fully exercise those rights. We advocate and support individual control that allows a person to exercise governance over their everyday lives, and to make informed choices about their home, health, work, finances, and leisure time. We promote community membership that allows a person to have access to the resources of the community and to become an active and valuable participant in community life. Our Agency assists the individual to establish goals that reflect important and meaningful aspects of their lives. With the support of Agency staff, individuals will be able to accomplish these goals using community integration as an underlying principle.  At the same time, an individual’s holistic well-being related to health, safety, economic security, the establishment of meaningful relationships, and personal spirituality, are addressed so that they will be safe, enjoy the best health available to them, have the economic resources to meet their needs, and are given the freedom to pursue the valued aspects of their life.

    Everything we do as an organization must lead us toward the accomplishment of our vision and mission statement. These are HDC’s core values that must be at the forefront of our decision-making processes. The core values must be embraced by all HDC employees, regardless of job function. Our organization will continue to demonstrate its unwavering commitment to the ongoing person-centered planning process and the evolutionary culture change to support full and equal opportunities for the individual with disabilities. We have been given the honor and opportunity to serve those in our charge by providing excellent, innovative, flexible, and individualized services.  We must never forget as an Agency, that our primary function is to find successful formulas that meet the valued aspects of an individual’s life while maintaining safeguards that will assure their holistic well-being, so they may realize their life goals and experience a fulfilling and meaningful life.

*UPDATED - HDC Day and Employment Services as well as Offices will OPEN at 9:00am on Tuesday- Wednesday, 1/22/2025. Due to cold temperatures.